Giving a new BNPL player a unique voice in a crowded market.

Spot. Buy Now, Pay Later was a latecomer to a busy BNPL market.

So we created a brand campaign with its own distinctive look - and a few distinctive voices - to help this new product stand out against its competitors.


Whatever you’ve got your eye on, it’s...

To bring to life how Spot. Buy Now, Pay Later is the ideal solution for those slightly larger purchases in life, we created the brand platform ‘Perfectly Spottable’.

Throughout our campaign executions, we brought examples of products within the relevant price range to life, giving them their own unique personalities. Then used them to convey how this no-brainer of a service makes anything that catches your eye more accessible.


Meet Tony...

Tony is a straight-talking wise guy from New York City, who also happens to be a coffee machine.

He tells it like it is, which makes him an ideal spokesperson for a product that sells itself. Capiche?


Meet Ray...

Ray’s comforting, larger-than-life personality is both inviting and reassuring. 

If you see something you like, why not treat yourself? Lovely stuff…

Throughout social placements...

We flexed our “Whatever catches your eye…” messaging across a range of products to show all the different types of purchases Spot Buy Now, Pay Later could be used for.


Then on radio...

Our products began leaving voicemails for shoppers. Hit play on this one, it’s noice, it’s different, it’s unewesual!
